
A 1:1 initiation through grief

Chrysalis is a sacred initiatory space for anyone moving through the transformation and alchemy of grief. Turning your wounds into wisdom.

I am fully booked at the moment. You are welcome to leave your details and I will add you to the waitlist.

Walking with you through the sacred initiation of grief

Experiences of grief, loss and longing are an inevitable and natural part of being human, and yet we are wildly missing a collective understanding of how to walk through these times of deep initiation. 

Of course, you would choose anything other than to be facing loss in this way. And yet, this is your invitation, an invocation, to not miss this moment. 

To not miss the moment when you are on your knees, when the fabric of life as you knew it has fallen apart, when future feels entirely unknown and unsure. 

There is a moment inside a chrysalis, before emerging as butterfly, when the caterpillar completely disintegrates. There is a moment when the caterpillar can do nothing else but surrender completely and allow everything to dissolve. Only then can true transformation, a metamorphosis, take place. 

CHRYSALIS is a potent space to hold a strong container for you to transition and shape-shift through your own process of undoing and becoming. 

Life doesn’t go back to the way it was after a deep loss. And yet, together we can explore what is whispering to you from the darkness, what is asking for your witnessing, your presence and your love. 

This journey is a loving space that honours the full spectrum and paradox of grief. There is space for the magnitude of your loss, there is also space for reclamation and empowerment. There is space to fall apart, and a place to come back together. 

  • Anyone, everyone. 

    Anyone who is experiencing grief, or who has experienced grief. Whether because of a bereavement, relationship break up, health challenge, or any other loss or unmet longing. 

    For anyone who is interested in compassionately healing their grief and integrating it into all of who they are. People who are willing to let grief change them and to understand grief as the potential initiation into more authenticity and a deeper connection with life. Moving forward, rather than moving on.

Pillars of our work together

  • 1. Connection

    “The truth is that we were never meant to do this alone.”

    First and foremost, this is a space to find connection, intimacy and belonging in your grief. Your grief is welcome here. It is not too big or too much. It is through sharing grief that we find connection to each other, ourselves and the earth.

  • 2. Embodiment

    “Healing happens when we welcome our bodies back into the story.”

    We will adopt a somatic approach to grief tending, offering ways to regulate your nervous system, understand your unconscious protection strategies and come home to your body so that you can integrate grief and reclaim your aliveness.

  • 3. Rest

    “Slow down and be excessively gentle with yourself”

    We will recognise the need for a safe place to land, one where you can let go of the breathless pace of productivity, growth and progress. I will offer practices to invite nourishment, integration and ease back into your life.

  • 4. Ritual

    “Ritual restores our connection to life’s mystery, to which we all belong”

    Ritual and ceremony are our birth right. We will be exploring and co-creating carefully designed rituals for you to explore throughout the initiation. Even the simplest of rituals can be a gateway to connect and release grief.


The chapters

  • Loving witnessing – telling your story

  • Right relationship – befriending and tending grief

  • Cultivating compassion – radical self-love 

  • Shifting landscape – how is grief changing you 

  • Finding an inner sanctuary – embodiment practices 

  • Shadow alchemy – anger, guilt, shame

  • Reclaiming your power – revealing authenticity

  • Wounds to wisdom – your unique medicine

The structure

  • 6 x 1-hour one-to-one sessions 

  • 6 x supporting rituals, practices and meditations

  • Email support throughout the journey

Your 1:1 Journey

I am fully booked at the moment. You are welcome to leave your details and I will add you to the waitlist.

One to one - Chrysalis

‘Nici has profoundly changed my relationship with grief and shown me we were never meant to do this alone. Her gentle wisdom, compassion and unwavering love create a sacred space to nurture and tend for this wild thing called grief - and in doing so, find moments of peace to open your heart again. Essential.’

— Sharon