Why I love what I do
I am loving spending a few quiet hours each week writing to you slowly, intentionally and with a full heart. May these letters be a soothing tonic to drop into your inbox, just at the moment when you need them most.
This week I’m called to tell you a little bit about the unexpected joys of grief tending. I often share HOW I came grief work and the longer story about my personal relationship with loss, but I rarely talk about WHY I still show up to this exploration, daily.
So, why do I love what I do?
Why? Because it is a very alive feeling to be able to talk about grief. To walk with people to the edges of their humanity, and to walk them back again.
Why? Because it’s so incredibly needed. The more grief work I’ve done, the more I see grief everywhere. The more I wish to welcome it, in myself and for others.
Why? Because I’ve come to trust grief. I trust that when we learn how to move towards it with compassion, letting go of judgment, it does what it needs to. It changes and it doesn’t get stuck.
Why? Because I’ve felt myself transform through the fire of grief and loss. I’ve witnessed hundreds of others welcome the initiation, finding more of themselves on the other side.
Why? Because I believe it’s the missing piece in any activism right now – climate, oppression, racism. We need to come together and grieve all we’ve done, all we’ve lost and all that needs to change.
Why? Because it has become my oxygen, my nourishment, the foundation on which I can reconnect back to my heart and to something greater than myself.
Why? Because I find so much beauty in every single person who comes to our grief events. I am in awe of their bravery. They give me hope. You keep my heart open.
But I didn’t come to grief tending because of these things.
I came to grief circles on my knees. I came because I was broken and searching and longing.
And yet, all these things (and more) are unexpected gifts of tending to my grief. Again and again, people come to my circles looking for a way to ease the suffering in their hearts and leave with more love, acceptance and connection than they even knew they were looking for.
Grief is a gateway, a portal into feeling more connected to our fragile, vulnerable and beautiful world.
We would never wish it to be here, but when grief comes knocking, do not miss this moment. This moment to ripen, deepen and soften.
I’ll meet you there.
With love