Welcome to Grief Balm

Is it just me? …or does it feel like a relief to be here? 

In a space where we can slow down and read these words gently without endless scrolling or adverts, a place to be together, uncensored and intimate.  

Having originally built The Grief Space community through Instagram, it’s bittersweet to watch social media culture change: the new desire for shiny reels, quick fix education and algorithms telling us what’s ‘relevant’.

It all just doesn’t land for me anymore.

Grief work is soul work. It needs a safe space, containment and reverence.


Because of this, I’m making the decision to take more of the grief space musings, personal storytelling and gentle explorations to this newsletter instead.


It is important to me that everyone in this community gets full access to our content, resources and support. That’s why these letters are and always will remain free to subscribers.


It feels liberating, radical and exciting to create our own rules and re-lay the foundation of how we communicate and connect.


As I write this welcome message to you, I imagine in my mind’s eye what I would be doing if we were gathering together in person. With this first note to you, I am tenderly lighting the candles, brewing the tea and preparing the circle.


Now, I invite you to imagine yourself stepping inside. You receive a big hug and warm smile, you hear the whisper ‘I’m so glad you’re here’, you take a seat and feel a sense of belonging…


…welcome fellow pilgrim, to your sweet soothing dose of Grief Balm.


The lost art of grief tending