
“These times are urgent – we must slow down” - Bayo Akomolafe

Next circle series opens November 2023

Join us for twelve gentle, tender, and nourishing weeks as we come together to create time to rest, hold space for grief and find joy in community.

This season passed I offered an online space where we could gather together to ‘winter’ differently. Together we met every week as I guided the group through an exploration of restoration and re-birth, meditations to return home to our hearts and a held container to share and be supported. Twenty-two beautiful people joined this journey and it ended up being one of the most incredible group experiences of my life.

It was so gorgeous, I’m opening up the space again.

This summer we will co-create a space where, for just an hour a week, we can step outside of our busy lives and be guided and supported to reconnect to our hearts.

Simply trying to keep up with the breathless pace of life can leave us weary. So many of us find it difficult to create space to feel. We run from one thing to the next, unconsciously numbing our tender heartache and pushing away our deepest longing. Let alone acknowledging all the ways in which exhaustion is interwoven with grief and loss.

Only recently have I realised how deeply ingrained our conditioning of productivity, pushing through and conforming is embedded into our bones. How can we truly tend to our grief if we come from this mindset of doing more?

Join me in beginning to catch the thread that unravels this old story. Only when we truly surrender and descend into the slow and ‘unproductive’ unknown will we encounter what it means to transform, re-birth and renew.

Together we will find new ways to slow down, honour our bodies and listen to what arises in quiet evenings by candlelight. And so, you are gently invited to grab a warm cup of tea, snuggle in under a blanket and join us for twelve weeks of restful, nourishing and simple evenings together.

Your grief is welcome here

You are worthy of rest

You are welcome just as you are

You are enough

You are invited to rest

You are held in stillness

Kind words

“The hour I spent every Tuesday evening in Nici's weekly community gatherings was the most relaxed I felt all week. It was a real anchor for me navigating a deep winter for me - both as the season outside and one I was experiencing in my life as a sleep-deprived mother to a toddler. Our circles were a nourishing, relaxing and connected hour every week that allowed me to be really committed to taking space for myself and to rest when I needed it most. Nici is so open and authentic and she always guided the sessions flow to meet the needs of the group.”

— Ellie

“Nici’s sessions have been such a treasured and soothing balm for me. I loved that each week had no formula and I looked forward to the fluidity and formlessness of the time we spent. Nici gently encouraged us to feel all the feelings that arose and to tend to them with kindness and guidance. Sharing this with a community was hard at first but I softened into this process and took strength and shared connection in hearing from others. This was transformational as I have always been scared of ‘difficult’ feelings.”

— Maria

“Nici has helped me so much with my grief, her work is beautiful, gentle and welcoming. She has helped me look at grief in a different way, a different light. Connecting with Nici and other people has made a huge difference in feeling less alone and isolated on my own grief journey. I will continue the grief circles for as long as possible. I will be forever grateful for what she does.”

— Issy


I also offer a limited number of low-income spaces for £145. This is for those who cannot afford the full price. Please allow others to take the low-income spaces if you can afford the full price.

Bookings closed until September 2023


Dates for your diary

November 2023